The lions of Japan don’t rule over the savanna as they usually do where they normally live. The lions of Japan rule the street. They walk around, dressed in black, wearing shoes 5 sizes too big, and they hunt for prey. Like most of us single males, they hunt for women. Their biggest weapons are the cans and cans of spray net that they put in their hair, and their questionable fashion sense. I’m not a lion, I had hair that made me look like a lion at some point, but I have other weapons then cans of spray net. On the street, I’m a nobler animal… I would say I’m something like a drunken leopard. A panther wearing a v-neck. A really classy hyena.
Like many animals looking for easy prey, The Japanese lion walks around in a pack. Two or three lions walking around the nightlife district, using their radars to spot wounded, (really) short skirt wearing Japanese chicks. When he finds such a thing, the lion then separates from the pack and starts following the girl around with, (most of the time) little to no success.
Let’s not kid ourselves, the Japanese lion exists because of the success it has had sometimes. If some dumb girls want to date a really awkward looking dude, whose hair could maybe hurt her in intimate situations, it’s her problem. But it really makes you wonder: who the hell decided such a hairstyle was acceptable, and also, should we be afraid that people like this might appear on the streets of Europe and America someday???
Be afraid of the Japanese lion, be very afraid… Wouldn’t you want to punch one in the face today?
Imagine the japonese lion vs our north american cougar...I cringe at the thought.
Je crois pas que ces lionnes viendront en Amérique du nord. On est vraiment trop conservateur pour ça... et des fois, c'est mieux comme ça!
Il y a trois ans, je suis allé au Portugal pendant trois semaines, et nous étions trois à partir! Puis rendu là-bas, il y avait plein de portugais qui avaient des coupes longueuil, avec une mèche blonde dedans leur foutue coupe longueuil! Wow! Pas besoin de dire que c'était pas aussi beau que ta parution sur le géant poster....
Et bien, tous les gens là-bas me disaient que ça s'en venait au Canada, la coupe longueuil version moufette! Et non, nous n'avons pas échangé notre castor national pour la moufette...
By the way, merci pour ton attention facebookienne,
Dis donc toi... t'es pas modèle pour des produits de coiffure!!?? Mmmm, smells like a conspiracy. T'es payé combien pour cette fausse alerte coiffurienne? Tout est permis dans la jungle.
Bisous mon druken leopard
Caro xx
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