Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The curious case of the vanishing vacation... button

In Japan, the school year ends today.
This being Japan, the next school year begins in 13 days. I had to sit through countless farewell ceremonies and speeches. Pretty interesting on a cultural point of view, but it was pretty boring actually...

Anyways, my predecessor and Daniel’s predecessor used to get these two weeks off... Vacation. Free time. Spring vacation. Haru yasumi. Do whatever you want. Don’t come to school, it’s useless. You would just sit around and be a waste of air and space. Go and live, discover Japan and get paid while you do it. Well we have just been royally screwed, because this vacation just vanished in front of our eyes. Apparently, they think we can be useful in some way. I don’t know what the deal is but it’s ridiculous. I should set up a webcam and show you. I have to fight not to fall asleep. My desk will be spotless. My computer is clean. My computer!! I don’t have internet so it’s stupid. I play Minesweper and Hearts and Solitaire. It’s aggravating because they know I have nothing to do, but because they are Japanese, they will never come up to me and tell me to go home because they are masters at pretending to look busy when they aren’t.

I think they want to force me to take paid leave but it’s like a challenge to me now. I want to keep as much as I can. I might need them:
I already know I need two days for my national holiday: 1 to get drunk, 1 to deal with the arrest and post bail.


Thunderstorm said...

C'est drôle parce qu'il y a à peine un mois, tu as mis un post concernant des techniques pour faire croire aux autres que tu travailles fort en ayant rien à faire. Cette fois-ci, on aurait dit que ton truc a trop bien marché! Ils croient que tu es tellement occupé qu'ils ne te laissent pas partir en vacances...

Lâche pas PY,

Anonymous said...

Est vraiment bonne Guillaume.
Ne lâche pas PY !

Anonymous said...

I love reading, so keep writing, ok?
It was good talking to you too, it always is.

Take care
Puss och kram

Mom said...

Profites de ce temps pour étudier la langue,peaufiner ton matériel d'enseignement mais surtout ne te complais pas dans une attitude qui ne nous fait pas pleurer car tu vis une expérience fantastique dans un pays très différent du nôtre.Alors retires-en le maximum possible car lorsque tu seras dans ta chaise*bercante*tu pourras revivre le dépassement vécu dans ta jeunesse.La facilité nous laisse peu de souvenir.Bises Mom