Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The dark side of Japan

Natto + Ponyo

Not everything is AMAZING in Japan. I know I know, it doesn’t seem that way if you’ve talked to me in the past weeks. I’m having a great time. I feel good and I’m getting in shape and stuff but you know, there are some suspicious things in the land of the rising sun. Here are two examples… :


Natto is fermented soybeans. Yes, it already sounds delicious I know. You are supposed to eat them. They’re freaking everywhere here. Man, there is even Nattomaki and Natto ice cream… They sell Natto in supermarkets, in little white unnamed boxes, so there could be Natto in your fridge and you wouldn’t know it. And then one day, you’re like: ‘Well my fridge is empty and I don’t feel like going to the supermarket… Oh look, a little white box in the corner of my fridge, I wonder what it is? It has to be tasty, we’re in Japan…’ you take the box, open it and WHAAAAAAAAAAM! It hits you! It stinks SO BAD that it could kill a medium sized Golden retriever. WOW Just fuc*king wow! You have to read the story on Wikipedia on how they first decided to eat that… .
Did you read it? They used to feed that shit to the horses maaaaan! The horses!! Well they made me try it some days ago and I’d rather have all the stuff that it’s supposed to prevent than to put that stuff in my mouth again. Give me blood clots, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism… Give me all that at the same time! I’m never ever ever ever touching Natto again, not even with a 10-foot pole. I feel sick just writing about the damned thing.


Ponyo attacks another one of the five senses: hearing. Basically, Ponyo is a dumb movie about a fish (possibly a gold fish) that runs away from home gets stranded somewhere and gets rescued by a boy… bla bla bla. If it interests you: . My problem is not with Ponyo itself. I mean, to me Ponyo is just another annoying animation movie. NO! My problem is with the song… I open the TV, I hear : ‘Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo Sakana no ko’. I go to Daniel’s school festival, the brass band plays the Ponyo song! I’m on the train, this hot chick has a Ponyo ringtone. Supermarket: Ponyo song. It’s everywhere!! It’s even in my dreams at night… and in my head during the day. I call all the students Ponyo! I’m not sure that I’m gonna get thru this folks... Ponyo might win the battle. And I wonder what’s worse actually: Ponyo or the fact that you can’t spell Ponyo... without PY.

To listen to the Ponyo song (you have been warned):
I told some people that, on the annoying scale, it's higher than the ketchup song, the crazy frog and the macarena all mixed


Angela said...

Voici la réponse de Charlotte à l'écoute de la chanson thème de PONYO:


Et voila c'est parti chez nous. Merci PY...

Give PONYO some NATTO.


PS Fuck, my ears are bleeding...

P-Y said...

lol @ Give Ponyo some Natto..
Dès que ça sort en dvd, y'a une copie qui s'en vient pour Charlotte!

Anonymous said...

Funny, I had never heard of Ponyo in all my ten years in Japan. Must be your initials working as a Ponyo magnet. Next time I see you I'll tie you to a chair and eat nattou until you pass out, tantouze!

Anonymous said...

You can see a preview of the movie (with the theme song, of course) here:

Anonymous said...

Tu me fais rire PY
J'avoue que l'histoire du Natto ne donne pas le goût d'en manger et encore moins de le regarder. Tu n'a pas été malade jespère.
Malheureusement ou heureusement pour moi je n'ai pas de haut parleur, je ne peux donc pas entendre la music de Ponyo. Par compte je sais que même à Montréal ça se produit. On dirait que les médias se mette tous d'accord et jouent la même toon pendant des mois. Je compatise avec toi.
Et ne lâche pas.

Anonymous said...

Word, je dois admettre que c'Est quelque chose... Mais il n'y a rien qui battra la chanson theme de Gucci l'abeille (je sais pas si vous vous en rapeller, mais merde que la musique tappait sur les nerfs)
Pour ce qui est des bines au lard fermentées, est-ce qu'ils font de l'alcool à saveur de natto, si oui man il faut que tu gouttes!

T'ira checker tes events facebook

Peace out from MTL


Thunderstorm said...

Trop nice PY ton Blog! Je rajouterais qu'il y a une nouvelle agente d'immeuble à Anjou qui s'appelle Ponyo Pizzi et qu'elle est très riche...
